Hangouts PodCast - Maestro Laszlo Marosi with Maestro Israel Cardoso
This is the latest podcast with me by Maestro Israel Cardoso. The podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Nug9aMjqI8mSKFR5z...

Review in the latest Fanfare Magazine about my contribution in the Szentpáli album
"The piece is a lot of fun and will provide a good physic to the downtrodden in spirit. Not only do the two soloists get a good...
"Beethoven Forever! Music Makes People Better" - presentation at UUUF
This year marks the 250th anniversary of Ludwig Van Beethoven, one of the great composers. Dr. Marosi, a celebrated conductor, musician,...

Few Thoughts About the Art of Conducting
This article was published at the ORCHESTRA Magazine's №1–2 (57–58) january – june, 2020 edition. There is always mystery around the...

Несколько мыслей об искусстве дирижирования
Эта статья была опубликована в журнале ОРКЕСТР № 1-2 (57-58) за январь - июнь 2020 года. В работе дирижера всегда есть загадка, как будто...

Concert photos and critique
These photos were taken on 11/23/2019. I was conducting a concert with the Bläserphilharmonie der Stadt Blaustein in Ulm, Germany.

Rehearsal of "Gallimaufry" by Guy Woolfenden
Short video of the rehearsal of "Gallimaufry" by Guy Woolfenden, 21/11/19, with the Bläserphilharmonie der Stadt Blaustein

Concert de Santa Cecília de la Unió Musical de Muro
Enguany un convidat especial per a l’esdeveniment. Ens visita el mestre i amic Laszlo Marosi. El mestre hongarès ja va estar l’any passat...