REVIEW: RECORDING OF THE MONTH - Ferenc FARKAS Music for Wind Ensemble
Ferenc FARKAS (1905-2000) Music for Wind Ensemble Early Hungarian Dances from the 17th Century (1943)* (arr. László Zempléni) [10:16] ...

BOOK REVIEW: Frigyes Hidas. – Biography. Memories. Programme Notes.
Frigyes Hidas. – Biography. Memories. Programme Notes. Von László Marosi, Eeva Saarela, Reiner Hobe und József Csikota. AMICUS AUCTORIS...

BOOK REVIEW: Two Centuries Military Music in Hungary. A History of Hungarian Military Music Conducto
Two Centuries Military Music in Hungary. A History of Hungarian Military Music Conductors and Marches, 1741-1945. By László Marosi....

In Memory of Dr. Zoltán Falvy (August 28, 1928 – June 15, 2017)
Located in East-Europe, working during the second half of the 20th century, Dr. Zoltán Falvy was one of the most significant Hungarian...

Senza Sordino - Hobart Australia
Video of me conducting the Hobart Wind Symphony featuring soloist Simon Reade.

Milhaud at Westpoint
Today my recording of Milhaud's West Point Suite, Op. 313 with the Liszt Academy Syphonic Band was used on Composers Datebook - "a...
A Brief Interview with Centric
The UCF student-run magazine Centric recently posted this article about my teaching and a short video featuring me and several of my...

WASBE Conference Update
Hello! I just got back from a wonderful time at the WASBE Conference and wanted to share a quick update. During the Conference I gave a...

Conducting a Hungarian Concert in Argentina (Audio)
StartFragmentThis past Saturday (5/30/15) I had the wonderful opportunity of conducting the State Symphonic Band of Córdoba, Argentina,...